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We know that receiving a complaint, claim or letter from the GMC can be distressing. Remember, the MDU is here for you. We can help with a wide range of issues.
Our expert team of doctors, lawyers and claims handlers are on your side. Our medico-legal advisers are available between 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
We also provide a 24-hour advice line for medico-legal emergencies or urgent queries, 365 days a year.
You can also let us know about a complaint, claim or other medico-legal issue by using our online 'Report a case' form. Use this to give us some details about the issue and generate a case ID. It will also create an email so you can send any documents we may need to address your case.
Let us know about a complaint, claim or other medico-legal issue.
Advice on how best to handle a complaint
What to do if you find out you're the subject of a GMC investigation.
What to do if you receive a letter from a solicitor about a claim for negligence.
What to do if you need to go to court as a professional witness.
Help about writing a report or a statement.
What do if you're involved in a police investigation.
What to do if the media contact you about a patient