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As an MDU member, you can can tell us about a complaint, claim or other medico-legal issue using our online 'Report a case' form. We'll provide you with a case ID and send you an email so you can attach any documents we may need to address your case.
Please provide as much information as possible, but don't include any data that might identify the patient.
Patients should only be referred to by their initials, date of birth and gender. Also, you should not include any details of relatives, spouse or partner, which might identify the patient.
Your enquiry will be referred to a medico-legal adviser and we will respond as soon as possible, usually within three working days.
If you're not yet an MDU member, join here to access our 24-hour medico-legal adviceline, as well as a range of other benefits including professional indemnity, free online CPD and more.
For urgent enquiries, please call our advice line on 0800 716 646 to speak directly to a medico-legal adviser.
Our medico-legal team are available between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, with an on-call service for medico-legal emergencies or urgent queries 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We understand the importance of storing your data securely. For more information about how we use your data to provide your membership benefits please see our privacy policy at themdu.com/privacy.
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