You have a number of rights relating to the processing of your personal data, subject to some exceptions defined by law.
You can contact the data protection officer by email, phone or post (using the contact details below) if you'd like to request any of the following:
- to be told how your personal information will be used, as set out in this privacy policy
- to ask what information we hold about you and request a copy of that information, subject to any exemptions
- to raise a valid objection to your personal data being processed
- to have your personally identifiable data deleted in certain situations
- to ask for your records to be updated, if you believe they are inaccurate
- for processing of your personal data to be restricted, which you can do in certain situations
- to transfer your personal data from one service provider to another - we will provide you with specific information if you're considering switching to another indemnifier.
Please include your name, email address and postal address in your request. We may also ask for proof of your identity.
We will confirm that we have received your request within five working days, and we will usually provide a response within one calendar month.
You can also lodge a complaint at any time about our processing of your personal data. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about any aspect of this policy, you can contact the data protection officer at:
We hope we'll be able to resolve any concerns you may have, so please contact us in the first instance.
However, if we cannot resolve your issue to your satisfaction, you have the right to raise a complaint to the UK's supervisory authority for data protection, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Alternatively, you can email the ICO at or call 0303 123 1113.
If you are within the EU but not a UK resident, you can raise any issues or concerns either with the ICO or with the supervisory authority in the jurisdiction where you are located. If you need any help with finding out who to contact and how, please let us know.
Please note that we have appointed IT Governance Europe Limited to act as our EU representative. If you would like to exercise your rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), or have any questions about your rights or general privacy matters, please email our representative at, making sure to include our company name in any correspondence you send.