Decision-making and consent: guidance from the GMC webinar

We explore the GMC's guidance and how to apply the seven principles of decision-making and consent in everyday practice.

23 March 2021

Length: 01:00:00

Watch our webinar (1 hour)


Hosted by MDU medico-legal adviser Dr Nicola Lennard, this session includes:

  • how the law and GMC guidance on consent has developed over time 
  • an overview of the new guidance, including the seven principles
  • advice on how to implement this new guidance in every day practice
  • Q&A session with our panel of medico-legal advisers


Consent Q&A discussion


Chaired by medico-legal advisers Dr Jerard Ross and Dr Udvitha Nandasoma, this video was produced as a follow-on to the above webinar so that we could cover off the questions we didn’t have time to address during the session.

Key areas include:

  • communicating the risks of COVID-19 
  • managing consent in time pressured situations or when the patient is unconscious
  • consent for imaging or procedures outside your specialty
  • what to do when patients seek alternative treatments or refuse to consent
  • discussing drug side effects and procedure complications.

This video is divided into chapters - use the progress bar to navigate between sections.

This page was correct at publication on 23/03/2021. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.