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11 November 2019
How do you write a response to a complaint from a patient? Our medico-legal advisers explain all in the MDU podcast.
19 July 2019
Lasting power of attorney, advance decisions and other important aspects of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 explained by Dr Sally Old.
14 October 2015
Saying sorry is not an admission of guilt. The MDU has been advising doctors for many years to say sorry when something goes wrong.
When does a doctor need to report gunshot or knife wounds to the police?
What do you do if a patient who has epilepsy has a seizure and continues to drive?
Recent changes to the law now make it an offence to drive when over specified limits of certain drugs.
Self-prescribing or prescribing for friends and family is generally not advised for doctors.
Doctors can get into difficulties using social media, including breach of confidentiality.
9 March 2015
The duty of both professional and expert witnesses is to the court.
The dos and don'ts of using chaperones during intimate examinations. Presented by Dr Ellie Mein.