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Patients become 'challenging' for a number of reasons. Here we advise on managing the patient while protecting yourself, staff and other patients.
Assessing a patient’s capacity is essential if their ability to make a decision is in question.
What you need to know about updates to guidance underpinning the values and principles of being a doctor in the Republic of Ireland.
Who is responsible for patient care when treatment is started in hospital?
How to minimise risk and avoid complaints when tracking results in GP practices and hospitals.
Computers can enhance healthcare interactions for both patients and clinicians, but they can also present challenges if not incorporated effectively.
There are various ways for GPs to minimise the risk involved with out-of-hours consultations.
How GPs can provide trustworthy advice to the media during the COVID-19 pandemic.
With many more appointments now offered remotely by phone or video, we reflect on some of the medico-legal issues raised by this way of working.