Start your studies off on the right foot

Student membership is free and available to medical students in the UK. Access revision resources, request sponsorship for virtual and face-to-face events, articles, support and advice, and free elective indemnity. Plus, join as a fresher and get an Oxford Medical Dictionary.

You can also turn to us for medico-legal advice if you face criticism from patients during the clinical aspects of your course.

Join thousands of students and become a member of the UK’s leading medical defence organisation.

Why you should choose the MDU


With you every step of the way

Find out more about the benefits of student membership, from support with studies, revision resources and elective indemnity to guidance and advice whilst you're on clinical placements.

What are the benefits?

  • Regular articles, interviews, dilemmas and study tips in your dedicated student hub.

  • Request sponsorship for virtual and face to face events.
  • Super power your learning with the Synap revision platform.
  • Access a wealth of guidance on our website and the MDU app.
  • Get advice and support should you face medico-legal issues during your training.

  • Make light work of planning your elective with free elective indemnity and advice.

Free dictionary for freshers

Medical dictionary

Free dictionary for freshers

Students applying for membership as a fresher receive an Oxford Medical Dictionary.

Becoming a member

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Complete your application

Simply fill out our student application form.

Frequently asked questions