The MDU's NI Pharmacy Scheme offers free indemnity for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians employed by the Northern Ireland GP Federations and Support Units.
By joining the scheme, you'll become an individual member of the MDU and have access to all the benefits of membership you would have if you joined outside of the scheme - except that your indemnity is only valid for your Federation/FSU work.
Cost and indemnity
Joining the scheme is free for you, as your Federation/FSU employer will cover the costs of your indemnity while you work for them. If you work for any other non Federation/FSU employers, you can request to add this to your membership at your own cost.
Both your previous PDA membership and new MDU membership are provided on a claims-made basis. You can find out more about claims made vs occurrence here.
The MDU's scheme provides retrospective indemnity for any previous period when you worked for the Federation/FSU and your indemnity was provided by your PDA membership. This means you don't need extended reporting rights/run-off from the PDA for your Federation/FSU work.
If you previously had indemnity with the PDA during your current employment, our scheme will pick up the historical liability for the time you were employed.
Before you apply, please download this PDF to identify which tier your role will fall into.
Applying for the scheme
You're unlikely to receive a refund from your existing defence organisation if you cancel your membership with them mid-year.
Because of this, we recommend joining our scheme by applying for MDU membership six weeks before your current indemnity is due to expire.
Apply now, or use the form below to request more information.