Responding to the Prime Minister's announcement that the government will abolish NHS England, and return the management of the national health service in England to central government, Thomas Reynolds, director of policy and communications at the Medical Defence Union (MDU), said:
"Today's announcement by the Prime Minister that NHS England is to be abolished has the potential to be a landmark moment in the NHS's story.
"However, the NHS is not about structures and agencies, it's about people. Healthcare professionals and patients. Regardless of where control of the NHS sits in England – with central government or another body – the same challenges remain.
"From ensuring the workforce is properly supported, to having regulatory frameworks which enable healthcare professionals to get on with the job of caring for patients, to tackling unsustainable costs facing the NHS such as those associated with clinical negligence: all require urgent attention. They cannot be sidelined in this latest health service structure. That is why the MDU will continue to champion and highlight these issues."
This page was correct at publication on 13/03/2025. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.