MDU welcomes wide-ranging report by Lord Darzi on how to fix NHS

We welcome the government’s recognition that healthcare professionals are working in a broken system.

Responding to the independent report by Lord Darzi into the NHS, Dr Caroline Fryar, MDU director of professional services, said:

"We welcome the government's recognition that healthcare professionals are working in a broken system. Lord Darzi's report has shone a spotlight on the scale of the challenge the NHS faces. Every day doctors go to work to do the best they can for their patients, but the strain NHS staff are under is now clear for all to see.

"A survey of our members earlier this year found that only 7% of those responding said they always felt able to deliver optimal patient care. Notably, 44% of respondents said they are planning to reduce their hours because of these pressures. If government does not take this message seriously, the coming years look set to be even more difficult for the NHS.

"Lord Darzi's report challenges the government to take a serious look at where the NHS budget is allocated. Every pound matters. We agree with Lord Darzi that the government must look at the eye watering cost of clinical negligence. In the year 2023/24, clinical negligence payments increased to £2.9 billion, which is approaching 2 percent of the entire NHS budget. If we are having a serious conversation about NHS finances, figures such as these cannot be ignored any longer.

"The MDU has long advocated for root-and-branch reform of the clinical negligence system, with a view to driving funds back into the frontline of the NHS ' to the benefit of patients, and to those treating them. We have once again written to the secretary of state urging him to do just that."

This page was correct at publication on 12/09/2024. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.