Write for us

A man writing

The MDU journal offers members a wide range of expert medico-legal guidance, advice, support, news and views. It's your publication, so why not help us make sure you get the content you want?

Share your knowledge

We welcome your ideas, and by submitting an article you could share your knowledge and experience with colleagues throughout the UK's medical community.

The MDU's main focus is on medico-legal and ethical issues rather than clinical ones, so it's worth bearing this in mind, but we welcome any ideas for content that you think would be appreciated by fellow members.

We also encourage contributions for our student hub from both students or doctors. If you have an interesting experience or perspective to share - whether it's a tip for studying or a unique elective - send them to us.

How to submit your ideas

If you have a suggestion for a topic that you'd like to cover in the digital journal, send it to the editors using the form below.  

As an organisation, we understand that data must be handled securely. For more information about how we collect, store and use data please see our privacy policy at themdu.com/privacy
