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2 July 2021
A worried FY2 doctor called the MDU advice line after a consultant asked him to write an incident report regarding a patient that was readmitted with haemothorax.
A GP called the MDU after receiving an angry letter of complaint from a patient, blaming her for delayed referral and ‘allowing’ her cancer to develop.
When a patient with Dupuytren’s contracture attended hospital for a fasciectomy, a nurse asked a foundation doctor to obtain their signature on the consent form because the patient had missed their appointment at the consent clinic, and the surgeon had been called to an emergency.
A hospital consultant contacted the MDU as a transition to a paperless medical record system meant she had to treat patients without sufficient information.
A GP contacted the MDU after a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) had requested a prescription for thyroxine, following the advice of another specialist.
A delay in acting upon blood test results resulted in a patient being rushed to A&E. The GP called the MDU for advice on what steps to take following the incident.
A GP wondered whether the practice should remove a patient from their list after disparaging remarks were left on social media.
A GP, who had forgot to attach a patient’s medical history as part of an urgent referral, contacted the MDU for help following criticism during a coroner’s inquest.
A GP called the MDU for advice after receiving a patient complaint. They alleged that a lack of available face-to-face appointments led to a delay in diagnosis.
A GP sought advice on how to deal with an adult patient who refused to wear a face mask during the pandemic but needed treatment for an ingrown toenail.