Case studies

Complaint from the family of a diseased patient image
Complaint from the family of a deceased patient

25 November 2019

The MDU helped a GP respond to a patient's family, who made a complaint after complications meant the patient's body couldn't be donated to a medical school after his death as he had wanted.

Advance decision to refuse antibiotic treatment image
Advance decision to refuse antibiotic treatment

24 July 2019

A GP member contacted the MDU advice line with questions about a patient's advance decision, and whether it would count as valid refusal of potentially life-saving treatment.

Delayed referral image
Delayed referral

10 July 2019

An MDU member faced a claim alleging that a delay in referral led to a patient's death from severe aortic stenosis.

Delayed diagnosis of rectal cancer image
Delayed diagnosis of rectal cancer

19 June 2019

The MDU was able to help a GP member who faced a claim from the family of a patient who died after being diagnosed with a rare colorectal carcinoma.

Discolation of cannuala during cataract operation image
Dislocation of cannula during cataract operation

19 June 2019

An ophthalmologist turned to the MDU for help after a patient claimed they had been negligent when securing a cannula during a cataract operation.

Content issues around fitting of IUS image
Consent issues around fitting of IUS

19 June 2019

The MDU successfully supported a doctor through a claim resulting from a dispute over whether consent had been obtained during the fitting of an IUS.

Management of a sports injury image
Management of a sports injury

19 June 2019

A patient made a claim against an MDU orthopaedic surgeon after they suffered complications following operations to treat their acromioclavicular joint dislocation.

Missed hip fracture image
Missed hip fracture

19 June 2019

A patient alleged that an MDU GP's examination was inadequate and they failed to refer for an X-ray, leading to a hip fracture being missed and a subsequent total hip replacement.

Parental responsibilty and consent dilemma image
Parental responsibility and consent dilemma

19 June 2019

The MDU was able to advise a GP about a parental responsibility issue involving the stepfather of a young epileptic patient.

Fixated threat assessment centre image
Fixated threat assessment centre

19 June 2019

A confidentiality question arose after an MDU member was asked to disclose information about a patient who potentially posed a threat to a public figure.