Case studies

elderly woman
Assessing capacity for COVID vaccine

2 July 2021

A GP was contacted by a local care home as the daughter of one of their residents objected to their mother receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

Arrow path
Second thoughts

13 May 2021

As a rugby fan, an FY1 was delighted when a friend asked him to act as match day doctor at an amateur fixture the following Saturday. There was just one problem – he was supposed to be on call that weekend.

A painful experience

13 May 2021

An FY2 was sharing a house with several friends from university. One housemate had been taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatories for several weeks after sustaining a knee injury. She pleaded with the doctor to prescribe her something stronger to address the pain as she could not take time off work to attend a GP appointment.

Wine glass
A near miss

6 May 2021

A stressed and anxious foundation doctor was increasingly resorting to several glasses of wine to help her unwind and get to sleep after shifts, although she’d noticed this was starting to affect her performance.

Litigation Privilege
Litigation privilege

16 October 2020

A consultant radiologist member called the MDU advice line to discuss a recent opinion he had been asked to provide for a patient's solicitor in the context of a clinical negligence claim.

Doctor writing report
Post mortem declined

9 October 2020

Can a patient request not to have a post mortem?

Leaflet from doctor
Conflicting opinion

9 October 2020

A patient who suffered a detached retina claimed he had not been warned that this was a risk of cataract surgery, an allegation denied by the MDU member.

Storing digital images in medical records
Storing digital images in medical records

25 August 2020

A GP member was due to have a remote consultation because of the coronavirus outbreak, and needed the MDU's advice with questions surrounding confidentiality and data protection.

Coroners case
Coroner's case

28 July 2020

A GP was called to a coroner's inquest but was not identified as an 'interested person', and called the MDU for advice.

Death certification of COVID 19 patient
Death certification of COVID-19 patient

17 July 2020

When a patient died at home following a clinical diagnosis of COVID-19, a GP called the MDU helpline with questions about completing the death certificate.