
baby incubator maternity
Maternity investigations with HSIB

21 April 2022

What you need to know about taking part in maternity investigations with the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB).

keyboard stethoscope confidentiality
Confidentiality and the healthcare team

20 April 2022

To ensure proper patient care and treatment, clinical information may need to be shared with other healthcare workers in the team – but only on a need-to-know basis.

documents inquiry law
Fatal accident inquiries in Scotland

20 April 2022

A fatal accident inquiry (FAI) is not about apportioning blame – but it’s important to seek advice early. Here’s what you need to know.

complaints letter doctor
NHS complaints: local investigation and resolution

8 April 2022

Local resolution is the first stage in the NHS complaints procedure. Here's what you need to know.

importance of raising concerns
Introduction to clinical negligence

4 April 2022

How we can help if you're facing allegations of clinical negligence.

Doctor explaining to junior colleague
Planning staff inductions: advice for practice managers

25 March 2022

Helping new staff settle in with an effective and structured induction programme.

Children whose parents are separated
Avoiding missed diagnosis of child brain tumours

16 March 2022

The presenting symptoms of a brain tumour in a child may be very non-specific, making diagnosis difficult for doctors.

Man holding mobile phone
GDPR: data subjects' rights

7 March 2022

GDPR makes data subjects' rights explicit. Your obligations to data subjects are summarised in the following eight rights.

team staff grievance
Dealing with staff grievances

28 February 2022

If a staff member comes to you with a grievance, act promptly and follow these steps.

Stethoscope and a syringe

22 February 2022

Your prescribing duties at a glance.