
Press cameras
Dealing with the media

30 January 2024

Your quick guide on what to do if you're approached by the media.

Children whose parents are separated
Children whose parents are separated

22 January 2024

If parents who have separated ask for medical information about their child, it's important to know how to handle the request sensitively and correctly.

Stressed doctor at desk
Doctors' health and wellbeing: sources of support

12 January 2024

Medico-legal concerns can be extremely stressful for healthcare professionals at every level, but there are lots of places you can turn to for help if you need it.

Writing a report
Writing a report for the coroner in the Republic of Ireland

8 January 2024

It's common for coroners to ask for a report from clinicians involved in caring for a deceased patient. Here are some principles that will help you.

Courthouse steps in Cork, Ireland
Attending a coroner's inquest in the Republic of Ireland

8 January 2024

Understanding your role and responsibilities when attending a coroner's inquest.

Man complaining to doctor
An introduction to testamentary capacity

9 October 2023

What you need to know about assessing testamentary capacity - the ability or understanding needed to make a valid will.

police managing crowd
Counter-terrorism and confidentiality

19 September 2023

Your legal obligations to report acts of terrorism, and how to raise concerns if you believe a patient or colleague poses a risk to themselves or others.

complaint notes documents
How to prepare for a complaint resolution meeting

24 May 2023

Local resolution meetings can be a helpful way to resolve complaints. Here's what you need to know.

Flat tyre
Assessing fitness to drive

19 December 2022

You have responsibilities to a patient if their condition or treatment affects their ability or fitness to drive.

Crowd taking photos
Patients in the public eye

3 November 2022

Patient confidentiality applies to all patients – no matter how famous or high-profile they might be.