
before and after
Marketing with before-and-after images

14 January 2022

Keep in mind ethical considerations and patient consent when using before-and-after images for promotion.

computer doctor consultation
Computers and consultations

14 January 2022

Computers can enhance healthcare interactions for both patients and clinicians, but they can also present challenges if not incorporated effectively.

Prostate cancer stethoscope
Delayed diagnosis in prostate and testicular cancer

5 January 2022

Advice on minimising the risk of a delayed diagnosis in prostate and testicular cancer.

Police tape
Avoiding a medical manslaughter investigation

16 December 2021

Understanding how to respond when the worst happens can help reduce the risk of facing a criminal investigation.

man upset reading letter
Clinical negligence: your questions answered

30 November 2021

Common questions about clinical negligence and what to do if a case is brought against you.

Young couple
Prescribing contraception to under-16s

17 November 2021

Ethical considerations in prescribing contraception to young people.

Nurse showing patient tablet
Online access to records

29 October 2021

What you need to know about patients accessing their records online.

social media and communication icons
Education, media and confidentiality

14 October 2021

The rapid development of recording and communication technologies has had a profound impact on the confidentiality of patient information and patient identity. 

Arm with wristwatch
Minimising risk in out-of-hours consultations

8 October 2021

There are various ways for GPs to minimise the risk involved with out-of-hours consultations.

Man holding mobile phone
Text message communication in general practice

4 October 2021

Text messages are a low-cost and low-effort way for GPs to keep patients updated, particularly for large-scale communications such as flu jab reminders.