
Heart failure
Avoiding diagnostic delays in heart failure

19 January 2021

Delays in diagnosis can be due to the vague and non-specific signs and symptoms that patients may present with to their GP.

Guidance and advice for occupational health doctors

13 January 2021

Protocols on disclosing medical reports, clearly communicated to both patients and employers, can help manage patients' expectations.

Storing and disposing of human skeletons and material

7 January 2021

How to appropriately dispose of real human skeletons.

student speaking to GP
Pupils in the practice

9 October 2020

Before welcoming a work experience pupil into your GP surgery, take into account these key considerations.

Law books
Aspects of the clinical negligence legal process explained

15 January 2020

Your guide to understanding the processes and procedures of a claim once it is underway.

Lawyer with a client
Background to litigation

15 January 2020

Receiving a claim can be confusing, especially if you're unfamiliar with the procedures and terminology. Our guide will help you understand the litigation process.

Medico-legal guide to cllinical negligence - Notification of a claim - The MDU
Notification of a claim: what to send us

14 January 2020

If you approach us for assistance with a claim, we'll ask you for specific documents and information.

GP checking patient
Avoiding skin cancer diagnosis delays

12 August 2019

Melanomas require accurate and timely diagnosis by GPs so that patients can be treated promptly.

mosquito sucking blood
Avoiding malaria pitfalls

10 September 2018

Patients travelling to malaria hotspots should be encouraged to seek early medical advice about preventative measures.

Files in cabinet
Storage and disclosure of child protection documents

21 May 2018

Include child protection documents in records if necessary, important or relevant to the patient's clinical care.