
Writing documents
Confidentiality issues in insurance and other reports

18 June 2021

A wide range of doctors provide reports about patients to third parties in the course of their work.

doctor with patient on home visit
Consulting without notes

4 June 2021

What to do in situations where it's not possible to enter data into records at the time they're made.

Significant event analysis, discussing documents
Significant event analysis

28 May 2021

Significant event analysis is a way of formally analysing incidents that may have implications for patient care.

GP assessing patient capacity
Testamentary capacity in the Republic of Ireland

15 March 2021

Assessing a patient's capacity is essential for all doctors and there are medico-legal considerations. Here’s what you need to know.

Two people writing and reading documents
Disclosure without consent

26 February 2021

There are circumstances in which you may disclose confidential information without patient consent.

young doctor compiling a report
Incident reporting

29 January 2021

Since April 2010, NHS trusts have had a statutory duty to report all serious incidents (SIs) so that lessons can be learned across the health service.

Heart failure
Avoiding diagnostic delays in heart failure

19 January 2021

Delays in diagnosis can be due to the vague and non-specific signs and symptoms that patients may present with to their GP.

Storing and disposing of human skeletons and material

7 January 2021

How to appropriately dispose of real human skeletons.

Law books
Aspects of the clinical negligence legal process explained

15 January 2020

Your guide to understanding the processes and procedures of a claim once it is underway.

Lawyer with a client
Background to litigation

15 January 2020

Receiving a claim can be confusing, especially if you're unfamiliar with the procedures and terminology. Our guide will help you understand the litigation process.