
importance of raising concerns
Introduction to clinical negligence

4 April 2022

How we can help if you're facing allegations of clinical negligence.

Children whose parents are separated
Avoiding missed diagnosis of child brain tumours

16 March 2022

The presenting symptoms of a brain tumour in a child may be very non-specific, making diagnosis difficult for doctors.

Man holding mobile phone
GDPR: data subjects' rights

7 March 2022

GDPR makes data subjects' rights explicit. Your obligations to data subjects are summarised in the following eight rights.

Stethoscope and a syringe

22 February 2022

Your prescribing duties at a glance.

Decision making patient consent
Advance decisions

14 February 2022

What you need to know about advance decisions and GPs’ obligations.

Avoiding TB diagnosis delays - The MDU
Avoiding TB diagnosis delays

2 February 2022

GPs play an important role in spotting tuberculosis (TB) cases – and diagnosis delays are a concerning area.

man receiving botox treatment
Cosmetic procedures

17 January 2022

A quick guide to performing cosmetic procedures.

before and after
Marketing with before-and-after images

14 January 2022

Keep in mind ethical considerations and patient consent when using before-and-after images for promotion.

computer doctor consultation
Computers and consultations

14 January 2022

Computers can enhance healthcare interactions for both patients and clinicians, but they can also present challenges if not incorporated effectively.

Prostate cancer stethoscope
Delayed diagnosis in prostate and testicular cancer

5 January 2022

Advice on minimising the risk of a delayed diagnosis in prostate and testicular cancer.