
consent and young patients
Consent and young patients

15 August 2022

Consent in children and young people can be complex – and the law varies across the UK.

holding hands parent
Parental responsibility

11 August 2022

Get to know the principles of parental responsibility with our quick guide.

doctor reporting
Reporting FGM: your obligations

9 August 2022

What you need to know about your professional obligations for reporting female genital mutilation (FGM).

Safeguarding vulnerable adults
Safeguarding vulnerable adults

2 August 2022

You have a legal and ethical duty to raise concerns if you suspect a vulnerable adult patient is being abused or neglected.

complaints consultation patient
The NHS complaints process in Wales

25 July 2022

Your guide to the Welsh complaints procedure, including regulations, time limits and local resolution process.

An introduction to confidentiality

15 July 2022

Confidentiality is an essential part of the bond of trust that exists between doctor and patient.

GP reading a form or certificate
Fit notes

15 June 2022

A quick guide on issuing fit notes to patients who have been off sick, and your ethical obligations.

confidentiality record files
Disclosure to third parties

9 June 2022

What you need to know about disclosing patient information to third parties.

Cycle helmet next to car
Good Samaritan acts

6 June 2022

You have an ethical duty to offer help in an emergency if you can. Make sure you have adequate indemnity in place.

Writing a response
How to respond to a complaint

25 May 2022

Writing a good response is a crucial part of successfully resolving a complaint.