Support and resources

Building a successful medical career in the UK takes time and planning. You need to understand how the NHS works, navigate training pathways, and keep up with professional standards. It can require patience and dedication. 

All doctors must engage with the GMC's revalidation process. For those on a training programme, this would normally be through the regular progress assessments that form part of your programme.  

For those outside of training, this is based on annual appraisals and gathering supporting information on all aspects of your practice, including continuing professional development (CPD).

As your medical defence organisation, we can help you improve your professional development skills and gain CPD through our e-learning and courses.

Building a portfolio career as an international medical graduate

Building a portfolio career as an international medical graduate

Ever wondered whether a portfolio career was for you?

Navigating opportunities come with unique challenges to IMGs in the UK. Adapting to a new country, new home, new culture and new working environment can be all-consuming.

But you can overcome these obstacles.

Learn with careers coach Dr Pattni

Discover our resources

Top tips for developing your career

  • Connect with colleagues and professional bodies. There are plenty of online forums and groups with advice and support for international medical graduates.

  • Pursue UK-recognised postgraduate qualifications to strengthen your credentials.

  • Find a mentor to guide you through the UK medical system and offer career advice.

  • Engage in continuous professional development (CPD) to keep your skills up to date and understand the GMC system of licensing and revalidation.