
Doctor behind curtain
MDU journal winter 2017

22 January 2018

The correct use of a chaperone can make the difference between a contented patient and receiving a complaint, a claim or even an allegation of sexual assault.

Thumbs down phone graphic
MDU journal autumn 2017

6 October 2017

Patients are more likely than ever to turn to social media to voice concerns about their treatment.

Tightrope walker
MDU journal summer 2017

13 June 2017

Members of the MDU's expert team share their top tips on risk-management and traversing some common medico-legal issues.

Woman looking through window blinds
MDU journal spring 2017

24 March 2017

Professor Debbie Cohen discusses the complex issue of doctors' mental health.

Boat in a storm
MDU journal November 2016

30 November 2016

One MDU member gives a personal account of weathering the storm of a GMC investigation.

Justice statue
MDU journal August 2016

11 August 2016

The death of a patient can be both tragic and traumatic. But what would you do if criminal charges were brought as a result?

MDU journal April 2016

14 April 2016

Dr Paul Goldsmith tells the MDU why few complaints relating to earlier adverse incidents at his hospital has serious implications for patients, healthcare staff and NHS resources.

MDU journal December 2015

17 December 2015

Genetic and genomic testing bring many benefits to patients, but there may be pitfalls for doctors, as Dr Kathryn Leask explains.