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My membership details
Our member guide lets you know what you can expect from membership.
Download your proof of membership and access your membership card on the go.
19 February 2020
You can view your indemnity details and notify us about changes to your work circumstances online by logging onto My membership...
13 May 2019
Occurrence membership means you can ask for our help at any point in the future as long as...
You must always contact us beforehand to check this is ok. In most cases, providing you have the appropriate training and equipment…
Your subscription will vary depending on the amount and type of work you do. For the rate applicable to you...
It depends what type of membership you have. If your membership is on an "occurrence basis" you can ask for...
As long as a member is appropriately trained and working within the law, you can request our assistance...
If you are planning to work overseas, please let our membership team know. If you are a paying member in...
You can pay for your membership in different ways. Choose what's best for you.
If you're taking a break or have retired from clinical practice, you might not need to cancel your membership...
Your subscription is based on the amount and type of work that you do. For some members subscriptions...