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We carefully consider each request for help. But the following are examples of when we are unlikely to provide support.
If you are not sure whether indemnity can be made available for a particular area of your work, please call our membership team on 0800 716 376.
* A practice nurse is a nurse who is not, and is not held out to be, a nurse practitioner or advanced nurse practitioner within our definition(s). We can provide individual membership for other registered healthcare professionals, including nurse practitioners. Please contact the membership team for details.
** It is important that you regularly ensure all registered medical or dental practitioners, any other registered healthcare practitioner (except practice nurses*) or any person providing laboratory or other services whom you employ, engage or supervise, or who operate under your control, have in place membership of a medical defence organisation or a policy of insurance or be indemnified by an NHS indemnity scheme to indemnify them for a claim of clinical negligence against them.