Press releases

MDU appoints criminal law specialist to head legal team

14 April 2023

Nick Tennant has been appointed as the MDU's head of legal services.

Recording patient consultations about consent could avoid litigation: MDU journal

14 March 2023

Having systems in place to routinely record consultations when getting consent could help doctors and patients.

Regulation of physician and anaesthesia associates marks welcome first step in modernising GMC processes - MDU

17 February 2023

Draft legislation published today will give the GMC powers to regulate physician and anaesthesia associates.

Healthcare professionals turn to coping mechanisms to deal with intense workplace pressures, MDU survey finds

30 January 2023

Around nine in 10 healthcare professionals say that workplace pressures have increased.

Creating a safe space in investigations: The Health and Care Bill and the creation of the Health Services Safety Investigations Body

9 September 2021

As MPs begin detailed scrutiny of the Health and Care Bill, MDU head of government and external relations, Thomas Reynolds, explains why we are urging MPs to make a small but crucial amendment to the legislation.

MPs sitting in the Houses of Commons
Health and Care Bill

14 July 2021

As the Health and Care Bill has its second reading in the House of Commons, MDU head of government and external relations Thomas Reynolds shares his reflections.

law texts
The future of judicial review

29 June 2021

The MDU recently responded to proposals from the Ministry of Justice to reform the judicial review process.

Busy hospital ward
Reforming the GMC

29 June 2021

The MDU has responded to an eagerly awaited consultation on reforming healthcare professional regulation across the UK.

A changing personal injury discount rate (PIDR) in Northern Ireland: MDU response

17 August 2020

The MDU has responded to the Department of Justice in Northern Ireland's consultation on changes to how the personal injury discount rate (PIDR) is set.

Doctor explaining diagnosis to patient
Statutory duty of candour in Northern Ireland: MDU submission

17 September 2019

The MDU recently submitted a document to the NI Department of Health's IHRD (Inquiry Into Hyponatraemia-related Deaths) Duty of Candour Workstream, relating to on-going work aimed at establishing a statutory duty of candour in the country.