Press releases

Clinical negligence liabilities overshadow public finances, MDU warns

26 July 2022

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) says it is extremely worrying that the amount of money earmarked to cover the total cost of clinical negligence claims (including both IBNR and PPOs) against the NHS in England has risen to £128.6 billion.

Medical leaders join forces in concern over broken government promise to reform GMC

22 July 2022

Medical leaders have written to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care over delays to GMC reforms.

Nurse practitioners face multiple investigations into single incident, according to MDU analysis

18 July 2022

Nurses now face a similar range of medico-legal investigations into incidents as doctors.

MDU calls for compassionate regulation of healthcare workers

5 July 2022

Speaking at an event today, the MDU said more flexible regulation of doctors could avoid unnecessary fitness to practise investigations

Being candid with patients is second nature to doctors, MDU survey finds

29 June 2022

An MDU survey of more than 400 doctors shows doctors’ willingness to be open and honest with patients when something goes wrong in their care.

Worrying increase in clinical negligence liabilities putting public finances under strain, warns MDU

7 June 2022

Government figures reveal that clinical negligence liabilities have risen to £86 billion.

MDU advises GP practices to review zero tolerance policies as new guidance published

20 May 2022

We welcome new guidance from NHS England on taking action following inappropriate behaviour

MDU scrutinising revised guidance on good medical practice

27 April 2022

The GMC is seeking views on its core guidance for doctors.

Foundation doctor members raise more than £30,000 for doctor wellbeing charities

8 March 2022

MDU FY1 members have raised more than £30,000 for the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund and the Doctors’ Support Network.

MDU appoints new head of Scottish affairs to champion member interests

1 February 2022

Mr Jerard Ross will head up a team championing the interests of the MDU’s growing number of members in Scotland.