Press releases

MDU expands peer support network to aid emotionally drained workforce

10 August 2023

More help for healthcare professionals undergoing difficult medico-legal investigations.

MDU advises GP members on how to handle a historic developmental dysplasia claim

31 July 2023

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has today provided guidance to GPs on claims that can be brought following an alleged delayed diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hips.

Urgent need for legal reform as costs of NHS claims rise again, MDU says

19 July 2023

Both the number and costs of NHS claims in England rose in 2022/23

Workforce plan must go hand in hand with reforms to regulation and clinical negligence law, says MDU

30 June 2023

Workforce plan only part of the solution to staff retention and NHS resourcing.

MDU backs calls for more support for burned out doctors

23 June 2023

A GMC report has found that more doctors than ever are thinking of leaving the workforce

MDU partners with Crisis Rescue Foundation to help medical students impacted by war and other crises

8 June 2023

The MDU's Dr Udvitha Nandasoma will provide lecture support to the CRF Medical School UK Elective programme

Proposed GMC reforms risk undermining treatment of healthcare professionals with health concerns

17 May 2023

The MDU has renewed its call for doctors’ fitness to practise procedures to continue to recognise health concerns as a special category.

MDU appoints criminal law specialist to head legal team

14 April 2023

Nick Tennant has been appointed as the MDU's head of legal services.

Recording patient consultations about consent could avoid litigation: MDU journal

14 March 2023

Having systems in place to routinely record consultations when getting consent could help doctors and patients.

Regulation of physician and anaesthesia associates marks welcome first step in modernising GMC processes - MDU

17 February 2023

Draft legislation published today will give the GMC powers to regulate physician and anaesthesia associates.